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Posts from the ‘SHE ALWAYS MISSED THE RAIN’ Category



                                                                                                            (song lyrics)

The Russell light fills the bowl with shadows
Canada spills its cold on down
The snows over Idaho settle on the willows
Drifting over stubble covered ground

She left with the fires of August burning
Sheʼs back where skies are cloudy all day
Romance torn on barbed wire fences
She always missed the rain

Tilting at enemies not hard to find
Nostalgia for what never happened
Shotgun holes in all the signs
Canʼt remember when the happy ended

Black horse planted long ago
The sorrel gelding turning gray
The clouds build behind Bull Mountain
She always missed the rain

Truth covered over by the sin of pride
Forcing you to choose a side
Always wondering which is the lie
Hidden under a clear blue sky

Too old to sing that worried song
Dreams wrung out by men disguised
In a place settled way too long
Simple wrongs obscured by rights

Fear twisted to look like strength
Itʼs hard to stand alone in this country
Thin wire stretched miles wide
Wish for difference in the same story

Sun sets early in the west
Winters long on short days
Metal roofs drip off nightʼs frost
She always missed the rain

                                        by John Reedy